This may be the first point in our lives that architecture and design has been fundamentally transformed by a pandemic; however, it is not the first time in human history. Los Angeles established a Housing Commission in 1906 to investigate the living conditions in slum courts by condemnation of unsanitary plumbing, New York’s infrastructure moved away from the infection-prone tenement housing during the 19th century, and London’s infrastructure was reforming after the 1954 Cholera Epidemic.

Before COVID-19 arrived in America, the open concept trend was already on the decline, and new trends for public spaces were on the rise. Now architects and designers are searching for new ideas for designing of shared and public spaces; especially large offices, schools, government buildings and hospitals. To help minimize the spread of infectious diseases, touchless technologies, like automatic doors, voice controls, mobile controlled devices have had an increase of demand for widespread implementation.
Polytronix, Inc Film & Glass Division has been providing privacy on demand and touchless control options and decrease the spread of germs and virus, even before COVID-19 made its lasting mark on America. Furthermore, commercial spaces to help maintain open, connected interior while also providing an opaque/transparent barrier of protection from the spread of infectious diseases from employees coughing, sneezing or talking.

Open concept was intentionally used to help increase conversion and sharing of ideas. Polyvision partitions and walls serve as a way to maintain that opened concept while minimizing the spread of germs, noise pollution and lack of privacy.

What about Curtains?
Curtains and Blinds can harbor pathogens, since they are frequently touched and infrequently cleaned. Polyvision is an efficient, touchless, hygienic alternative to traditional window coverings.

Although social distancing is only a temporary necessity, this has encouraged architects and designers to create spaces that allow people to spread out and encourage social distance. Even though Polyvision will not eliminate the spread of the coronavirus, it certainly contributes to long-term reduction of spreading the virus.

Contact us today for a, no obligation, free quote for your next business, medical facility or homeowner’s project.